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Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Scoop on SLES - Sodium Laureth Sulphate

Sodium laureth sulphate (SLES) is a surfactant/detergent used in many products; including our foaming hand soap, shampoo, body wash, Descaler, Sanira Solution etc.

It is highly effective and highly biodegradable. Please note that “The Web” is full of misinformation on this ingredient. There has been a lot of testing and the only validated issue with it is that it can be a skin irritant – although it is less irritating than its cousin SLS (sodium lauryl sulphate).

We also tend use a relatively low concentration in our personal care products, as well as adding wonderful skin nourishing and anti-inflammatory emollients such as shea butter and calendula - so our products result in less potential for a negative reaction.

There has, in the past (in the 1970s), been some contamination of a similar ingredient with a known carcinogen, and I am guessing that is where pretty much all of the bad publicity that SLES is carcinogenic originated.

But I have found nothing in valid, scientific reports or research (and there has been quite a lot) to suggest anything about it being "absorbed into the body and accumulating" or being carcinogenic or any other negative effects that one may read online.

If it is applied to the skin at a high concentration and left there – it can certainly be an irritant; used diluted in rinse off preparations, it is unlikely to result in reactions; except in very sensitive individuals or those with known allergies to it. 

One simply CANNOT believe everything on the internet!

Here are some sites debunking the SLES myths found online:

1. Personal Care Products Council
by Candi Bezte, Norwex Science & Technical Advisor

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